Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snow Patrol!

I sKnow, I sKnow, it's snowing!
thats my first experience with the white grizzly cold death! :)

To the rescue!

It's "POSITIVE" thats it's a chopper! Duh.. can't you see the "plus" sign.. see I told ya.. you need more common sense!

Something's cooking!

Most intimate classified monologue of all times captured in a single frame snap!

Cheaper By Dozen!

These are the babies I work for and roll out! Ain't they sweet! yeah yeah.. they come in pink also! :)

Hear the heart-beast!

This is the beast in name of heart that resides inside the soul of your car and keeps you going at a 90mph! :)
"Snapped" at Discovery Science Museum!

Balcony with a view!

Did you know, you cannot update views if the creation query has joins! :P Sorry you have been Geeked just now!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Savior of Gotham - The Batman!

Now our exclusive Augusta Batman comes with "Finger" chips; if you'd notice closely! :) Get outta way; he IS as blind as a bat! :)

In Russian Space Station!

It was amazing staying afloat in air without gravity! Things u get to see in life! eh? :)

Goon with the wind!


Track-ter! :)

Tracking down my ass on a paranomic view of Savannah!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Track Them Down!

Well what better to do then tracking down a hot sunny pair of tracks in afternoon in a quite suburb of busy city!

TbRrAiCdKgSe! (TRACKbridge... duh?)

And see where did those sunny afternoon track took me to! :) Feast for the eyes!


Augusta on left bank and S.Carolina on right! and here I am in No-Man's Land! :)

To Hogwarts of Georgia!

About to whistle up baby! :) Ride 'on!

Platform Independen! :)

Well..anyone game for a ride on this beauty? :)


My duty calls and here I am with my most loyal hi-speed Fire cruiser! Stay outta my way twinky else I am gonne ride up your brown ass with my RED Hottie! :)
Gotta admin; it was sparkling silver in all places!

Fire extinguisher??

Can you believe the size of this thing? When I saw it few things came to my mind.
1. No wonder Jim Morrison sang; "Light My Fire" and was a total hit! I mean with this thing around; who was gonna get fired on his own?
2. Company extinguisher label says; Class A extinguisher in case of fire lift and point at the source. I'd say, irrespective of class if u can lift this thing; man...! I'd rather stay out of your way! :)
3. Fire must have been so fired! :)

Steaming up!

Well, thats the real steam engine! Pretty huge huh? Wonder how they fit in boot of my car! :-/

Noah's Arc!

Well thats the actual Noah's arc and since you are relentless spree of believing me; that was a gift to me from museum for my good looks; buy hey! I am modest and non-showing off types; so I politely refused!
How considerate of me! :) Yeah?

Hunt 'em Down!

Well, hunting gear of a typical hunter. You know what's fishy about this gear?
I think "Fishing Rod".. yeah.. thats what is fishy! :)


Okay Guys I know it's hard to believe; but thats my Alarm! :)
He he.. ok.. Thats Radio Station (can't recall name) in History of Museum - Augusta!
And yes, since I use Radio Clock as my Alarm; it just happens to be my alarm! :)

Window to man's stomach!

Well, thats the kitchen and since my cooking abilities precede me I have caught a fancy for Microwave; because thats all I can seem to use with little bit of control. :)

Hall Of Fame!

This is the heart of the house! :) and this is where I dwell for most of the time! :) And that balcony gate is where the cold death knocks every morning!

Good Car-ma! :)

Well, my Karma must have earned some real brownie points to get this one for my trip in US! :)
Chevy-Impala. A good ride. I know I am showing off! But com'on.. chances like these comes once in a way! so I gotta! :D Evil grin! :)

Can-Un This world out!

You know what this world needs?
De-Cannonifaction! Yeah.. thats right.. a lot few cannons! But that doesn't mean u will come up with new-clear crap! :|
Anyway, I am glad they put this one in museum! :)
World Peace!

Balls of fury!

These are the different types of cannon balls used in canon above to shoot fire up the ass of enemy! All these are from, what I am guessing, The American Revolution!
I mean look at the designs; they have loose iron pellets packed inside with charge; fuse and timer. :(

All in a days work!

Resting my ass off; on what they call as "Cloud Nine Comfort!" To be honest I have no shit idea what it means! :(

Monster's Lair!

My dungeon for initial few days in Augusta! :)
Hotel Hilton Hampton Inn! :)